
Donald Trump Fundraiser Scheduled For October 8th In Newport

The Trump train is coming to Newport, RI!

After a hastily organized event, scheduled for September 2nd with Republican nominee Donald Trump was cancelled, the Trump campaign is trying to shake the Newport money tree again. In an email sent Monday morning, organizers are planning an event on October 8th with Governor Mike Pence at a Bellevue Avenue estate. Donation levels go up to $25,000 per person but for only $5,000 you can get a photo with Governor Pence.

The email from host Robert Matheson is as follows:

Good morning…

We are super excited to invite you to an event in Newport in October!

Please see attached invitation for the Governor Pence Event in Newport, RI to raise money for Trump Victory.

This event will be held in Newport, Rhode Island on Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 6pm until 8pm.

There are multiple levels of contributions. Please choose what is best for you!

The invitation has a form to fill out to send in your invitation.

Please let me know ASAP if you want to participate in the event.

Thank you very much!





This event announcement comes with Trump surging in the polls and now less than one percentage point behind Secretary Clinton.