Newport ri mansions Christmas

Christmas In Newport Schedule Of Events

2015 Christmas in Newport

Calendar of Events
 Denotes Children’s and family events

December 1st – Tuesday

Official Opening of Christmas in Newport, 6:00 p.m., Washington Sq. Features proclamation from the Mayor, tree lighting, Newport Artillery cannon salute, live entertainment. Free. 849-6454.
Newport Historical Society’s Holiday Open House, 5-6 p.m., Newport Colony House at the top of Washington Sq. Tour the Colony House before the Christmas in Newport official opening ceremony. Enjoy festive music from around the world in celebration of the holiday season and of Newport’s vast history. Donations welcome. 846-0813 and 841-8770.
Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.
Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff, 548 Bellevue Ave. Island Moving Company holiday ballet. Times vary. Admission $50-$135.


December 2nd – Wednesday

Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.
Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff, 548 Bellevue Ave. Island Moving Company holiday ballet. Times vary. Admission $50-$135.
The Nativity of Christ Puppet Show, 7:00 p.m., The United Congregational Church of Newport, 524 Valley Rd. Middletown. A telling of the birth of Christ in larger-than-life black art puppetry. Free will offering. 846-3515.


December 3rd – Thursday

Holiday Tea at the Edward King House, 1:30-3 p.m., 35 King St. Tea served to celebrate the holidays in the fashion of the late 1800’s. White gloves and lovely hats are welcome. $5 per person. 846-7426.
The Nativity of Christ Puppet Show, 7:00 p.m., The United Congregational Church of Newport, 524 Valley Rd. Middletown. A telling of the birth of Christ in larger-than-life black art puppetry. Free will offering. 846-3515.
Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.
8th Annual Singing for Shelter Acoustic Christmas Concert, , 7-9:30 p.m., Channing Church, 135 Pelham St. For the benefit of Lucy’s Hearth and The McKinney Shelter. $15 (children with an adult are free). Tickets call 849-4250 or
Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff, 548 Bellevue Ave. Island Moving Company holiday ballet. Times vary. Admission $50-$135.


December 4th – Friday

Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.
Annual Newport Hospital Auxiliary Holiday Shopping Event, 9-4 p.m., at the Hill Courtyard at Newport Hospital, Powell St. Handiwork and craftsmanship of local artisans and employees. Bake sale and raffle. Funds raised will go towards the purchase of a new CT scanner. 845-1638.
Santa visits the Giant Gingerbread Lighthouse at the Newport Visitor’s Information Center, 1-5 p.m.  America’s Cup Ave. Free. Visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to fill the sleigh for local food pantires.
Salve Regina University Madrigal Chorus performs at Seamen’s Church Institute, 4 p.m., 18 Market Sq. Free. 847-4260.
Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m., departing from the Brick Market Museum & Shop, 127 Thames St. Hear the history of early American holiday traditions on an evening walking tour. Learn how colonial Newporters recognized (or didn’t) the holidays. Reservations required, 841-8770. $15 adults, $10 NHS members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Weather permitting. 841-8770.
Mt. Zion Christmas Concert, 7 p.m., 31 Van Zandt Ave. Local musicians come together with the Voices of Zion to celebrate ‘Jesus Is The Reason for the Season’. Free will offering. 849-3569.
Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff, 548 Bellevue Ave. Island Moving Company holiday ballet. Times vary. Admission TBA.
Mistletoe Madness at Glen Manor House, 7-11 p.m., 3 Frank Coelho Dr., Portsmouth. Cocktail reception, dancing, admission TBA. 401-683-4177 or email us at
The Nativity of Christ Puppet Show, 7:00 p.m., The United Congregational Church of Newport, 524 Valley Rd. Middletown. A telling of the birth of Christ in larger-than-life black art puppetry. Free will offering. 846-3515.


December 5th – Saturday

15th Annual Lucy’s Hearth Designer Wreath Sale, 9-12 p.m., Rotunda at Easton’s Beach. Christmas wreaths and table top decorations created by designers, artists, gardeners and florists from the community. Also gourmet sweets bake sale. All proceeds go to Lucy’s Hearth. 847-2021.
Child Friendly Santa’s Workshop, noon-3p.m., Easton’s Beach Carousel & Rotunda by The Newport Rotary Club. $5 per child includes a goody bag, crafts, cookie decorating, 1 ride on the carousel, 1 ride on the mini train. Tickets are purchased at the door, no advanced sales. 845-5800.
Child Friendly 45th Annual Bowen’s Wharf Tree Lighting and Open House, America’s Cup Ave., 5:45 p.m. Frosty the Snowman and caroling starting at 4:30p.m. City official lights the tree, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive by boat (weather permitting) at 5:45p.m. Live Music. Free.
UnDecked Halls: Behind the Scenes at Doris Duke’s Mansion in Winter, Rough Point, 10a.m. – 3 p.m., 680 Bellevue Ave. Experience the quiet house, see the decorated staff wing, and hear about Miss Duke’s tropical holiday. Learn how Rough Point’s winter caretaking traditions have remained the same for the past half century. Tour the first floor and enjoy refreshments in the staff dining room, not normally open to the public. Tours offered every ½ hour. Adults $10, children under 12 $8. 847-8344.
Discover Colonial Newport in Winter Walking Tour, 11 a.m., sponsored by The Newport Historical Society. Here stories of religious diversity and entrepreneurship, and learn how Newporters made their way in winter during Newport’s colonial era. Departs from the Museum at the Brick Market, 127 Thames St. $15 adults, $10 for NHS Members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Reservations required. Weather permitting. 841-8770.
Trinity Christmas Silver Tea, Honyman Hall, Trinity Church, Queen Anne Sq., 12-4p.m. Holiday high tea. $12.
Christmas Cards for Mariners, 2-4 p.m., Seamen’s Church Institute, 18 Market Sq. Drop in to warm up with hot chocolate and write a Christmas card to be delivered to men and women serving on the seas this Christmas. Free. 847-4260.
Newport County Orchestra Holiday Concert, 3 p.m., Casino Theater, 9 Freebody St . SRU Chorus and Madrigal Ensembles perform a variety of masterworks of holiday favorites. $8 general admission, $5 seniors and students. 401-341-2297.
Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m., departing from the Brick Market Museum & Shop, 127 Thames St. Hear the history of early American holiday traditions on an evening walking tour. Learn how colonial Newporters recognized (or didn’t) the holidays. Reservations required, 841-8770. $15 adults, $10 NHS members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Weather permitting. 841-8770.
Swanhurst Chorus presents “’Tis the Season: A Traditional Christmas”, 8 p.m. at Emmanuel Church, Spring & Dearborn Sts. Featuring a delightful arrangement of carols old & new by Rutter, Willcocks, Vittoria, Des Pres, and others. Tickets $20 in advance, $23 at the door, and $10 for full-time students. Tickets and information at 401-682-1630.
Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.


December 6th – Sunday

Child Friendly Visit with Santa Claus at the Breakers, noon-3 p.m., 44 Ochre Point Ave.  The jolly old elf will visit with children and hear their Christmas wish list. Refreshments. Regular daytime admission. For info. 847-1000.
Edward King House annual Craft Fair, 1-4 p.m., 35 King St. Local Artisans and crafters. Free. 846-7426.
Christmas at Whitehall, 1730’s Festivities, 2-4 p.m., Whitehall Museum House, 311 Berkeley Ave., Middletown. Seasonal music, lifting a cup of wassail and learning about our heritage. Sponsored by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the state of RI. Donation welcome. 401-423-0831.
Newport Community Band Holiday Concert, 3 p.m., Casino Theatre, 9 Freebody St. SRU Newport Community Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Flute Ensemble performing holiday favorites. Admission $8, $5 for students and seniors. 401-341-2295.
Advent Service of Lessons and Carols, 5 p.m. Church of St. John the Evangelist, 61 Washington St. at Willow St. St. John’s Church and Emmanuel Church combine choirs with The Choir School of Newport County. Free-will offering. Child friendly for ages 5 and up.  848-2561
Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.


December 7th – Monday

Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.


December 8th – Tuesday

Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.
Child Friendly Cookie Decorating at The Hampton Inn and Suites, 5-7 p.m., 317 West Main Rd., Middletown. Enjoy free Christmas cookie decorating of the season for children 3 & older, accompanied by an adult. Call 848-6555 to make your reservation.


December 9th – Wedesday

Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.


December 10th – Thursday

Newport Gallery Night, 5-8 p.m., Member Galleries, Museums and Cultural Institutions are open and host special events, artists, demos, etc.
Child Friendly Living Nativity presented by Cluny School, 6 p.m., 75 Brenton Rd. Live animals and choral music enhance this annual reenactment of the “First Christmas” under the stars. A gift to the community expressing the true meaning of Christmas. Hot chocolate and sweets served before and after the presentation which lasts 25-30 minutes. Please bring a blanket and flashlight. Free. In the event of rain or inclement weather, reschedule date is Dec. 16. 401-855-2252.
Child Friendly Student’s Impressions of Christmas in Newport, Newport Yacht Club, 110 Long Wharf, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Student K-12 art exhibit, commemorative Christmas in Newport postmark, United States Postal Service. Free, light refreshments. 846-9410. The US Post Office will display a sample of the artwork in the 320 Thames St. Main Lobby from Dec. 12-19.
Judging of the Newport Doorway Contest, deadline is Thursday, December 10 to enter. Judging takes place on Friday the 11th. Register your home or business at Categories are: Residential, Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast and Commercial. Please List Category, Name, Address and DOOR COLOR. Please use natural materials/decorations.


December 11th – Friday

Holiday Lantern Lanturn Tour, 4:30 p.m. Departing from the Brick Market Museum ans Shop, 127 Thames St. See December 4th for details.
Ladies Night & Preview Party for the Artisan Craft Fair & Boutique Sale at Potter League for Animals, 5-7 p.m. 87 Oliphant Ln. Middletown. 846-0592 X116.
Christmas in Song by the Newport Navy Choristers, 7:30 p.m., St. Lucy’s Church, 909 W. Main Rd., Middletown. Concert to benefit The Artillery Company of Newport. Admission $10 adults, children/seniors $5, family $20.
St. George’s School Service of Lessons & Carols, 372 Purgatory Rd., Middletown, 7:30 p.m. The birth of Jesus is told by lesson and song. Congregational singing and carols by the School choir. Free. 847-7565.
Child Friendly Annual Tree Lighting and Grand Opening of the Newport Skating Center, 5.m. America’s Cup Ave. Celebrate with good cheer, hot cocoa and cookies, carolers, visits with Santa and the elves, and skating performances with the Island Skating Academy


December 12th – Saturday

Christmas Treasures at Trinity Church, 10-4 p.m., Honyman Hall, Queen Anne Square. Local artisans, seasonal items. Free.
UnDecked Halls: Behind the Scenes at Doris Duke’s Mansion in Winter, Rough Point, 10a.m. – 3 p.m., 680 Bellevue Ave. Experience the quiet house, see the decorated staff wing, and hear about Miss Duke’s tropical holiday. Learn how Rough Point’s winter caretaking traditions have remained the same for the past half century. Tour the first floor and enjoy refreshments in the staff dining room, not normally open to the public. Tours offered every ½ hour. Adults $10, children under 12 $8. 847-8344.
Artisan Craft Fair & Boutique Sale at Potter League for Animals, 10-5 p.m. 87 Oliphant Ln. Middletown. 846-0592
Open House at the International Tennis Hall of Fame, 10-5 p.m. 194 Bellevue Ave.  Donate a canned good for the local food bank and enjoy free admission to the museum.  A great activity for the whole family.
Discover Colonial Newport in Winter Walking Tour, 11 a.m., sponsored by The Newport Historical Society. Here stories of religious diversity and entrepreneurship, and learn how Newporters made their way in winter during Newport’s colonial era. Departs from the Museum at the Brick Market, 127 Thames St. $15 adults, $10 for NHS Members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Reservations required. Weather permitting. 841-8770.
Emmanuel Church Handbell Choir performs at Seaman’s Church Institute, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., 18 Market Sq.  Free. 847-4260.
House Tour of the Seamen’s Church Institute, 12 p.m., 18 Market Sq. Behind the scenes tour of the 1930 waterfront institution, featuring chapel frescoes by artist Durr Freedley. Free. 847-4260.
Child Friendly Santa at the Brick Market Place 12:30-3:30 p.m. Thames St. Free
Christmas Open House at the  Irish  Museum, 12:00 noon – 4:30 p.m. at the Museum of Newport Irish History Interpretive Center, 648 Lower Thames Street. Free. View the exhibits while enjoying Celtic holiday music, eggnog and cookies. Free admission. Celtic-inspired bracelets and lapel pins available for sale with proceeds to benefit the Museum. 3:30-4:30 p.m., caroling by the Ancient Order of Hibernians Men email
Holiday Ornamnet Workshop with Lisa May at Deblois Gallery, Noon-1:30 p.m. 134  Aquidneck Ave., Middletown. Must register.
Child Friendly Sparky’s Puppets present “Stories from Snowy Lands” for children ages 4-12 and their families, 2:30 p.m. at the Newport Public Library, 300 Spring St., lower level program room. Watch Jack Frost bring a snowman to life, see a bear go ice fishing and visit a toymaker on a wintry day. No registration required. 847-8720 X204.
A Childs Christmas in Wales, by Dylan Thomas, 3 p.m. Emmanual Church, 42 Dearborn St. A delightful reading of this classicholiday storywith festive chamber music and carols by aurea, the Alchemy of Music and Words. #30 general admission, $25 Seniors, $8 Students
Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m. Departing from the Brick Market Museum and Shop, 127 Thames St. See December 4th for details.
Holiday House Tour at the Edward King House, 6-9 p.m., 35 King St. Tour of the house, classical harpist and refreshments. 846-7426.
Christmas Choral Concert, 8 p.m., Ochre Court, 100 Ochre point Ave. Performances by the Salve Regina Dept. of Music, Theatre and Dance. $8 general admission, $5 for seniors/students. 401-341-2295.


December 13th – Sunday

Artisan Craft Fair & Boutique Sale at Potter League for Animals, 10-5 p.m. 87 Oliphant Ln. Middletown. 846-0592
Child Friendly Visit with Santa Claus at Marble House, noon-3 p.m., Bellevue Ave.  The jolly old elf will visit with children and hear their Christmas wish list. Refreshments. Regular daytime admission. For info. 847-1000.
Christmas Open House at Glen Manor House, 2-4 p.m., 3 Frank Coelho Dr., Portsmouth. Local Talent, Santa arrives at 2:45 to greet children. Free. 683-4177.
Child Friendly Community Chanukah events at Touro Synagogue, 2 p.m., a history “answer hunt” for children and adults at the Loeb Visitors Center. Free and open to everyone. From 3-5 p.m. a traditional Chanukah party at the Levi Gale House, 85 Touro St. Light the Chanukah candles and stay to enjoy the latkes, music, dancing, children’s entertainment and more. Free, reservations strongly recommended.
Christmas Choral Concert, 3 p.m., Ochre Court, 100 Ochre Point Ave. Performances by the Salve Regina Dept. of Music, Theatre and Dance. $8 general admission, $5 for seniors/students. 401-341-2295.
Traditional Christmas Tea at St. Columba’s Chapel Parish Hall, 3-5 p.m.,Sittings at 3 & 4 pm, 55 Vaucluse Ave., Middletown. Bring your friends and enjoy an oasis of calm in a busy season. $12 adults, $5 children under 12. 847-5571.
Blue Christmas, A Community Prayer Service of Remembrance & Peace, 4 p.m., St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 525 Broadway. Christmas can be a painful time for many. Discover hope and experience healing at this worship service and fellowship afterward. 846-9567.
St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble (Russia) In Concert, 7 p.m., Emmanuel Church, 42 Dearborn St. This ensemble will present a dazzling concert of Russian choral music and folk songs for the season. $20 suggested donation. 847-0675.
Music of the Christmas Season, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Broadway at Everett St. Brass, organ, handbells and vocal choir, and an opportunity to sing some favorite carols. Free. 847-1749, In the event of inclement weather the re-schedule date will be December


December 14th – Monday

Christmas Concert for Charity, 6:30 p.m. at Jesus Saviour Church, 509 Broadway. Proceeds to benefit the needy in our community. Donation of $10. Wakefield concert Band performing. 401-390-1746.


December 15th – Tuesday

Child Friendly Caroling on Broadway from the Colony House steps to Equality Park, 3:30 p.m. Join the caroling with Christopher Carbone and the Off Broadway Neighborhood Association. Free. 401-481-5135. email
Child Friendly Christmas Crafts at Homewood Suites, 5-7 p.m. 348 West Main Rd., Middletown. Enjoy free Christmas craft decoratingof the season, for children 3 and olderaccompanied by an adult. Call 848-2700 to make your reservation.
104th Annual Medieval Christmas Pageant, St. George’s School Chapel, 372 Purgatory Rd., Middletown, 7:30 p.m. Candlelit service of the portrayal of the Christmas story. Free. 847-7565.


December 16th – Wednesday

Child Friendly NOTE: RAIN DATE FOR “A Living Nativity” Presented by Cluny School, If it is cancelled due to weather on December 10th. See December 10th for details.
29th Annual WADK 1540 Christmas Concert, 7 p.m. Newport Marriot, America’s Cup Ave. Featuring Marley Bridges Theater choral ensemble and Larry Brown’s Swinglane Orchestra. Free Admission. Donations of non-perishable food items accepted for local charities.846-1540.


December 17th – Thursday

Christmas on the Point, 7 p.m. Church of St. John the Evangelist, 61 Washington St. at Willow St. A merry concert of organ music, caroling, and traditional reading of the Christmas Story. Sugested donation $15, seniors/students $10, children ages 5-12 free.  848-2561


December 18th – Friday

Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m. Departing from the Brick Market Museum & Shop, 127 Thames St. See December 4th for details.
Annual Deblois Gallery Holiday Party, 5-7 p.m. 134 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown. 847-9977.
Holiday Dance party at the Edward King House, 7 p.m., 35 King St. No partner or dance experience necessary. $25 in advance.


December 19th – Saturday

UnDecked Halls: Behind the Scenes at Doris Duke’s Mansion in Winter, Rough Point, 10a.m. – 3 p.m., 680 Bellevue Ave. Experience the quiet house, see the decorated staff wing, and hear about Miss Duke’s tropical holiday. Learn how Rough Point’s winter caretaking traditions have remained the same for the past half century. Tour the first floor and enjoy refreshments in the staff dining room, not normally open to the public. Tours offered every ½ hour. Adults $10, children under 12 $8. 847-8344.
Discover Colonial Newport in Winter Walking Tour, 11 a.m., sponsored by The Newport Historical Society. See Dec. 5th for Details.
Hoppy Holidays at Newport Storm Brewery, 12-6 p.m., 293 JT Connell Rd. Annual Christmas open house celebration with guided tours, entertainment and snacks. $10 admission.
Child Friendly Santa Claus arrives at the Clock Tower Square, noon-2 p.m., Rt. 114 in Portsmouth. Cookie decorating. Free.
Community Tree Decorating and Santa Visit at Seamen’s Church Institute, 18 Market Sq. 1 p.m. for tree decorating, bring an ornament and help decorate the tree and 2 p.m. Santa arrives and will read a classic Christmas tale. Free. 847-4260.
Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m. Departing from the Brick Market Museum and Shop, 127 Thames St. See December 4th for details.
26th Annual Christmas in Sign presented by The James L. Maher Center, 5 p.m. at the Casino Theater, 9 Freebody St. Christmas and holiday music performed in sign language under black lights. Admission is free. 846-4600 or visit .
Holiday Evening Duet at The Elms and Marble House, 6-9 p.m. Enjoy two houses for the price of one during this evening open house event, with live music and refreshments. $35 in advance, $45 at the door, children 6-17 $10 in advance, $15 at the door 847-1000 or .
Return to Camelot at St. Mary’s Church, 7 p.m., Spring St. A special Christmas themed Return to Camelot program featuring Jacqueline Bouvier and John F. Kennedy. Free of charge but donations welcome to St. Mary’s music program.
23rd Annual “Messiah and Carol Sing: The Christmas Story”, by Swanhurst Chorus, 7 p.m., Emmanuel Church, Spring & Dearborn Sts. Handel’s Messiah as well as beloved carols. Bring your own score and scores will be available for rent. A festive “Wassail Bowl” reception will follow. Admission $10 adults, $5 children 12 and under, and $25 maximum per family. 401-682-1630 or


December 20th – Sunday

Child Friendly Visit with Santa Claus at the Elms, noon-3 p.m. Bellevue Ave. The jolly old elf will visit with children and hear their Christmas wish list. Refreshments. Regular daytime admission. For info call 847-1000.
Child Friendly American Girl Holiday Party, Presented by the Newport Recreation Dept. and Edward King House. 2-3:30 p.m. at the Edward King House Senior Center, 35 King St.. Crafts, cookie decorating, doll fashion stroll. $15 per child, Adults are free. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Advanced reservations are required. 845-5800. Reservations are limited.
Child Friendly Rhode Island’s Ballet Theater Holiday Dance Concert, 3 p.m. Stanford White Casino Theatre, 9 Freebody St. A holiday dance show for children and families. $25 per person. 847-5301.
Child Friendly Christmas Pageant with Live Nativity at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 4-7 p.m., 525 Broadway. Come and see the Holy Family, sing with the angels and heavenly hosts, greet the wise men and pet the sheep. Community event – refreshments served. 846-9567.


December 21st – Monday

Child Friendly New England’s Largest Gingerbread Lighthouse, Saturday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Displayed at the Newport Visitor Information Center, America’s Cup Ave. Culinary staff from the Marriot Hotel have constructed the 16 foot masterpiece. Free but visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to fill the sleigh for local Community food pantries.


December 22nd – Tuesday

Child Friendly New England’s Largest Gingerbread Lighthouse, Saturday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Displayed at the Newport Visitor Information Center, America’s Cup Ave. Culinary staff from the Marriot Hotel have constructed the 16 foot masterpiece. Free but visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to fill the sleigh for local Community food pantries.


December 23rd – Wednesday

Child Friendly New England’s Largest Gingerbread Lighthouse, Saturday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Displayed at the Newport Visitor Information Center, America’s Cup Ave. Culinary staff from the Marriot Hotel have constructed the 16 foot masterpiece. Free but visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to fill the sleigh for local Community food pantries.


December 24th – Thursday

Children’s Christmas pagent with Holy Eucharist,  4 p.m. St, Mary’s Episcopal Church, 324 East Main Rd. Portsmouth.
Child Friendly Family Serice with Pagent and Carols, St. Columba’s Chapel, 5:00, 55 Vaucluse Ave. Middletown. A traditional Christmas Eve Family Service. 847-5571.
Christmas Eve Services with Holy Eucharist,  6 p.m. and 9 p.m. St, Mary’s Episcopal Church, 324 East Main Rd. Portsmouth.
Candlelit Christmas Eve Services,  5 and 10 p.m. Church of St. John the Evangelist, 61 Washington St. at Willow St. 848-2561.
“Quiet Christmas” St. Columba’s Chapel , 7:30, 55 Vaucluse Ave. Middletown. A Meditative Service with acoustic guitar and keyboard accompanying carols. 847-5571.
Choral Eucharist with Choir, St. Columba’s Chapel, 10:00, 55 Vaucluse Ave. Middletown. A Traditional Christmas Eve Service. 847-5571.


December 25th – Friday

Christmas Day Service with Holy Eucharist and music,  10 a.m. St, Mary’s Episcopal Church, 324 East Main Rd. Portsmouth.
WADK Radio 29th Annual Christmas Concert, 9 a.m., featuring the Larry Brown Swinglane Orchestra and the Marley Bridges Theater Copmany Choral Ensemble. Tune to WADK AM1540


December 26th – Saturday

45th Annual Christmas in Newport Candlelight Tour of Historic Private Homes, 4-7 p.m. Maps available at the Newport Visitor Information Center in mid-December. $3 per house, payable at the door of each house, different houses open each day of tour. 401-741-5920. No advance reservations are necessary. We are always looking for friendly people to assist with our house tours. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer docent for the Candlelight House Tours, please contact Nancy or Alice at
Discover Colonial Newport in Winter Walking Tour, 11 a.m., sponsored by The Newport Historical Society. See Dec. 5th for Details.
Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m. Departing from the Brick Market Museum and Shop, 127 Thames St. See December 4th for details.


December 27th – Sunday

45th Annual Christmas in Newport Candlelight Tour of Historic Private Homes, 4-7 p.m. Maps available at the Newport Visitor Information Center in mid-December. $3 per house, payable at the door of each house, different houses open each day of tour. 401-741-5920. No advance reservations are necessary. We are always looking for friendlypeople to assist with our house tours. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer docent for the Candlelight House Tours, please contact Nancy or Alice at
Christmas Lessons and Carols,  9 a.m. St, Mary’s Episcopal Church, 324 East Main Rd. Portsmouth. Hear the stories of the season, sing your favorite carols at this combined service, followed by an open house at the rectory. 846-97000.
Road to Independence History Walking Tour: 11 a.m. departs from the Museum at the Brick Market at 127 Thames St., The Newport Historical Society. Riots and rebellions, enemies and allies. Learn about Newport’s role in the American Revolution. $15 adults, $10 NHS members and active duty military with ID. $5 children ages 5-12. Reservations required, 841-8770. Tickets can be purchased at tour departure point. Weather permitting.
Christmas on Historic Hill: A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Trinity Church, One Queen Anne Sq., 4 p.m. A candlelight service featuring the choir and clergy of Trinity Church. Free will offering. 846-0660.


December 28th – Monday

45th Annual Christmas in Newport Candlelight Tour of Historic Private Homes, 4-7 p.m. Maps available at the Newport Visitor Information Center in mid-December. $3 per house, payable at the door of each house, different houses open each day of tour. 401-741-5920. No advance reservations are necessary. We are always looking for friendlypeople to assist with our house tours. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer docent for the Candlelight House Tours, please contact Nancy or Alice at
Rogues & Scoundrels History Walking Tour, 11 a.m., departs from the Museum at the Brick Market at 127 Thames St., Newport Historical Society. See where scoundrels lived, pirates profited and criminals were punished. Find out why this colony was known as “Rogue’s Island.” Reservations required, 841-8770. $15 per person, $10 for NHS members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Tickets can be purchased at the tour departure point. Weather permitting.


December 29th – Tuesday

UnDecked Halls: Behind the Scenes at Doris Duke’s Mansion in Winter, Rough Point, 10a.m. – 3 p.m., 680 Bellevue Ave. Experience the quiet house, see the decorated staff wing, and hear about Miss Duke’s tropical holiday. Learn how Rough Point’s winter caretaking traditions have remained the same for the past half century. Tour the first floor and enjoy refreshments in the staff dining room, not normally open to the public. Tours offered every ½ hour. Adults $10, children under 12 $8. 847-8344.

December 30th – Wednesday


Lessons and Carols at St. Mary’s Church,  7 p.m. Spring St.Readings and carols for the Christmas season, as well as Festive choral music from the Gregorian chant to modern compositions, sung by St. Mary’s Parish Choirs and guest singers. Free.

December 31st – Thursday

Child Friendly New England’s Largest Gingerbread Lighthouse, Saturday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Displayed at the Newport Visitor Information Center, America’s Cup Ave. Culinary staff from the Marriot Hotel have constructed the 16 foot masterpiece. Free but visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to fill the sleigh for local Community food pantries.


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Holidays by the Sea, sponsored by the Newport Chamber of Commerce. Festive events throughout Newport County. by the Sea.

Newport Skating Center,  America’s Cup Avenue. Visit:

Holiday Lantern Tour, 4:30 p.m., sponsored by The Newport Historical Society. Dec. 4,5,11,12,18,19,26. (No tours on Christmas Day). Hear the history of early American holiday traditions on an evening walking tour. Learn how colonial Newporters recognized (or didn’t) the holidays. $15 adults, $10 for NHS Members and active duty military with ID, $5 children ages 5-12. Reservations required. Weather permitting. 841-8770.

International Tennis Hall of Fame, Newport Casino, Bellevue Ave. Open 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Admission. 849-3990. Visit

Marriott Newport Giant Gingerbread Lighthouse on display at the Newport Visitor Information Center, America’s Cup Ave. , open daily Saturday-Thursday 9 a.m.- 4p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Free. Visitors are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item for local food pantry.

Museum and Shop at the Brick Market, 127 Thames St., open daily 10 a.m. in December (closed 12/25). Award winning museum offers an introduction to Newport’s history and architecture from the 1600s through the Gilded Age. Donation suggested. Holiday gifts related to Newport’s history.

Newport Historical Society Museum and Library, 82 Touro St. Open Tuesday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. – noon.

Preservation Society of Newport County, Bellevue Ave. The Breakers, The Elms, & Marble House. Three magnificently decorated houses adorned with period-inspired ornaments, elaborate yuletide decorations, fresh flowers, trees, wreaths and garlands. The Breakers & The Elms 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Marble House 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Admission. All three houses $29.49 adult, $9 children 6-17 yrs. For more info 847-1000 or Properties Closed on Christmas Day.

Holiday Evenings at The Breakers, Dec 5, 12, 26. Live holiday music and refreshments. 6-8 p.m. Adults $35 in advance, $45 at the door, Children 6-17 yrs. $10 in advance, $15 at the door. 847-1000 for reservations.

Holiday Evening Duet at The Elms and Marble House, Dec 19. Enjoy two houses for the price of one. 6-9 p.m. Take a leisurely self-guided evening stroll through both Marble House and The Elms, enjoy live holiday music and refreshments. Adults $35 in advance, $45 at the door, Children 6-17 yrs. $10 in advance, $15 at the door. 847-1000 for reservations.

Touro Synagogue, 72 Touro Street. Winter tour hours: Sundays every half hour from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. with last tour at 1:30 p.m. Loeb Visitors Center open Sundays from 11:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. Adults $12, seniors $10, students & military $8, children under 12 free. For more information: 401-847-4794 X207

Trinity Church, Queen Anne Square. Guided tours on Saturdays from 1-3 p.m. and Sundays after morning service, approx. 11:15 to 3 p.m., plus Boxing Day through New Year’s Eve 1-3 p.m. $5 suggested donation, children free. 846-0660. or

The Colony House on Washington Square is decorated on the exterior by the Newport Garden Club.