photo credit: Chad Chelo

Dead Shark Found on Rhode Island Coast Sparks Investigation

An eight-foot female sand tiger shark was found washed ashore Tuesday morning at Salty Brine State Beach, leaving experts puzzled about the cause of its death. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) reported no obvious signs of injury or illness.

credit: Chad Chelo

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), along with the Atlantic Shark Institute, performed a necropsy to gather clues on what may have led to the shark’s demise. As of now, results are pending, but environmentalists are raising questions about potential impacts of offshore wind farms on marine life.

While no direct connection has been made, the rise of offshore wind projects in the region has sparked ongoing debate. Some critics worry about the potential effects on local ecosystems, with concerns that the underwater noise and vibration from construction could disorient or harm marine species like sharks.

The DEM’s Division of Marine Fisheries has removed the shark from the beach, and NOAA’s findings could offer insights into the health of the ocean’s ecosystem. This case highlights the need for further investigation as wind energy initiatives continue to expand across coastal waters.

Meanwhile two dead sharks have washed up on Second Beach in Middletown in the last seven days.




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