02022020 palindrome day

For first time in 909 years, today is a palindrome – 02/02/2020 – the same forwards and backwards

Today is the only date this century that reads the same backward and forward around the world!

Today is February 2, 2020, or 02/02/2020 and it’s a special date for reasons other than the Super Bowl and Groundhog Day. It’s a palindrome date, which means that it reads the same forward as it does backward.

The eight-digit date is especially rare because it works in both America, where dates are written as day-month-year, and in other countries where dates are written as month-day-year.

The eight-digit date is especially rare because it’s an international palindrome as well. It works whether you write the date as “Month/Day/Year” or “Day/Month/Year,” as many other countries do.

The last such palindrome date to occur was 11/11/1111, 909 years ago. And it won’t happen again for another 101 years, when the calendar turns to 12/12/2121.

• 01/01/1010 happened 1010 years ago.

• 11/11/1111 happened 909 years ago.

• 02/02/2020 will happen this Sunday.

• 12/12/2121 will happen in 101 years.

• 03/03/3030 will happen in the 4th millennium.

• 04/04/4040 will happen in the 5th millennium.

• 05/05/5050 will happen in the 6th millennium.

• 06/06/6060 will happen in the 7th millennium.

• 07/07/7070 will happen in the 8th millennium.

• 08/08/8080 will happen in the 9th millennium.

• 09/09/9090 will happen in the 10th millennium.

And Epstein didn’t kill himself!



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