Letter: Farewell to the Easton’s Beach Snack Bar – The Best is Yet to Come

To the Editor:

As I locked the door of Easton’s Beach Snack Bar for the last time, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. The familiar scent of freshly cooked seafood lingered in the air, mingling with the salty breeze blowing in from the ocean.

Walking down the boardwalk for the final time, memories flooded my mind. I pictured families seated at the picnic tables, relishing their twin lobster rolls while fending off hungry seagulls. The laughter of children echoed in my ears, and I could almost smell the salty sea air blending with the savory aroma of clam cakes. But it wasn’t just about the food; it was about the people—the kids running along the beach, families enjoying a day in the sun, and friends gathering to share a meal. Over the years, I had watched children grow up before my eyes, seen young employees become like family, and witnessed new faces become old friends.

For years, Easton’s Beach Snack Bar had been my life. I had served generations of beachgoers, watched families grow up before my eyes, and made countless memories along the way. But now, it was time to say goodbye.

Taking one last look at the snack bar, the familiar sight filled me with both joy and sadness. It was hard to believe that this chapter of my life was coming to an end. With a heavy heart, I turned and walked away, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore fading into the distance. But as I left, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the memories and experiences that Easton’s Beach Snack Bar had given me. And as I look ahead to the future, I know that the best is yet to come.

Barry Botelho
Easton’s Beach Snack Bar


Editor’s note:  The Easton’s Beach Snack Bar has found a new home! Details to be announced soon. 🎉




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