Coggeshall School Newport Apartments

Letter to the Editor: Council’s Rejection of Workforce Housing – Kicking the Can Down the Road

To the Editor:

I was deeply disappointed by the recent actions of certain Newport City Council members who, after years of stressing the urgent need for workforce housing and criticizing previous councils for inaction, voted against the proposed workforce housing project at the former Coggeshall School. In doing so, they have perpetuated the very problem they once condemned—kicking the can down the road.

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), workforce housing serves individuals earning 80–120% of the Area Median Income (AMI). For Newport, that translates to annual incomes ranging from $73,000 to $111,000 for a single person—what is commonly referred to as the “missing middle.” The Coggeshall proposal adhered to these HUD specifications, fulfilling a critical housing need.

Yet council members Khamsyvoravong, Smyth, Pinnock, and Carlin failed to acknowledge the clear language of the project contract. Instead, they muddied the discussion with vague and inconsistent references to “affordable,” “workforce,” and “subsidized” housing, creating confusion even among informed residents.

Meanwhile, the historic Coggeshall School remains in a state of dangerous disrepair—plagued by lead, asbestos, mold, broken windows, and a collapsing roof. By rejecting this project, Newport forfeits not only $1 million in revenue from the school and adjacent lots but also the potential for $100,000 in annual property tax revenue.

The developer behind this proposal has a proven track record, demonstrated by the success of workforce housing at the Cranston-Calvert site. Rather than vilify him on social media, he should be commended for his efforts to address Newport’s pressing housing needs.

Last month’s Newport City Council meeting was nothing short of an embarrassment. Instead of striving to improve our community for all income levels, some council members seemed more interested in pandering to a vocal “not in my backyard” minority. Newport deserves better leadership—leadership that prioritizes solutions over posturing.


Jack Milburn




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