Migrant Accused of Rape Arrested After Being Released by Massachusetts Court

A Guatemalan national, accused of raping a Massachusetts resident, was nabbed by ICE agents just months after being released from custody by a local court – despite a standing immigration detainer.

Jorge Luis Castro-Alvarado, 28, was arrested by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) on August 1 in Lynn, MA. Castro-Alvarado, who entered the U.S. without inspection at an unknown time and place, had been previously convicted of assaulting a family member, yet was still released by the court on bail.

“Jorge Luis Castro-Alvarado unlawfully entered the United States before making his way to Massachusetts and allegedly victimizing a resident here,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “Castro posed a significant threat to the members of our community. ERO Boston will continue to prioritize public safety by apprehending and removing noncitizen threats to our New England neighborhoods.”

Castro’s rap sheet includes being charged with two counts of rape and indecent assault on a person over 14. He was originally arrested for assault and battery in February, at which point ICE placed an immigration detainer on him, warning that he posed a serious public threat.

Still, in April, despite facing serious rape charges, the Essex County Superior Court inexplicably freed Castro on bail, slapping him with a GPS monitor instead of keeping him locked up. ICE wasn’t notified.

Castro’s release outraged law enforcement and ICE officials alike, especially with the court bypassing ICE’s request to keep him detained. After his release, ICE was forced to track him down in Lynn, arresting him for the second time in under a year.

Castro is now in ICE custody and will face a Department of Justice immigration judge.

Anyone with info on noncitizen offenders like Castro can tip off ICE at 866-DHS-2-ICE.




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