Alright folks we have a lost black cat on Hunter Avenue in Newport! His name is PJ, is new to the area and got out by mistake. He has a little white on his chest. Wearing a lime green collar.
Our fugitive has been on the run for more than 4 hours. Average foot speed over uneven ground barring injuries is 4 miles-per-hour. That gives us a radius of um…carry the two, uhh, 16 miles! What I need out of each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, boathouse, gatehouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up every 20 miles.
Your fugitive’s name is PJ.
Please share and call or text Jane at (845) 264-1850 when spotted or found.
And GO!!!!