Colin Kennedy, Newport’s bumbling city manager and the poster child for being in over one’s head, suffered yet another public humiliation at Wednesday night’s city council meeting. In his latest attempt to stay relevant, Kennedy presented a plan to add a completely unnecessary stop sign at the intersection of Morton Avenue and Spring Street—a proposal the council swiftly and unanimously shot down with a scathing 7-0 vote.
Kennedy, who has somehow failed his way into a position for which he’s laughably unqualified (according to Newport’s city charter), hasn’t even called Newport home for a year and is already proving himself an unmitigated disaster.
“This was a solution looking for a problem,” Mayor Charlie Holder bluntly declared, summing up what everyone in the room was clearly thinking.
This flop comes on the heels of yet another embarrassment for Kennedy – the city council lambasted him Wednesday night for illegally installing a stop sign at Third and Sycamore Streets without proper approval. That rogue move earned him a verbal smackdown, but it seems Kennedy just can’t stop tripping over himself in his misguided attempts at leadership.
How long will Newport put up with this circus act? One thing’s for sure: Colin Kennedy’s days as city manager should come with a countdown clock.
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