Newport RI City Hall Broadway

Newport’s Political Future at Stake: Candidate Declarations Due June 26

After nearly two years of the most inept political leadership that Newport has ever seen, residents are reminded that the deadline for candidate declarations is fast approaching. Aspiring public servants aiming to run for Newport City Council, School Committee, State Representative, and State Senator positions must submit their Declaration of Candidacy by Wednesday, June 26th, no later than 4:00 p.m. at Newport City Hall.

With a rallying cry of “It’s time to take back Newport!” echoing from every corner of the city, this election season stands as a critical juncture for the future of local governance.

Candidates must submit their declarations in person at Newport City Hall. The process involves completing the necessary paperwork and ensuring all eligibility requirements are met. City officials have emphasized the importance of meeting the 4:00 p.m. deadline on June 26th, as late submissions will not be accepted.

The urgent call to “take back Newport” resonates deeply with those who are determined to restore and protect the city’s future, fearing that without immediate action, Newport’s prosperity and well-being are at grave risk and will be sold to the highest bidder.

Can you help take back Newport? It’s your time. your city needs you!!!




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