Walter de Jesus Lopez Davila Obituary

Obituary: Walter de Jesus Lopez Davila (2005-2024)

Walter de Jesus Lopez Davila, de 19 años, residente de Newport, RI, falleció el 13 de septiembre de 2024 en el Hospital de Rhode Island rodeado de su familia y amigos. Walter nació en San Guayaba, Palencia, Guatemala, de sus padres Aselo Lopez y su difunta madre Maria Veronica Davila.

Emigró a este país hace 5 años con la meta de alcanzar el sueño americano. Durante su estancia en Newport asistió a la Escuela Rogers, y se destacó por ser amable, respetuoso, amigable y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. Era un apasionado del fútbol y la música, y amante de los caballos y del ave nacional guatemalteca, el quetzal, por sus colores y belleza.

Le sobreviven su padre Aselo Lopez, y sus hermanas Blanca, Sucely, Lorena, Yolanda y su hermano Ismael, junto con innumerables familiares y amigos que lo recibirán en Guatemala para su entierro. El 24 de septiembre a las 5:00 p. m. se celebrará una misa fúnebre en la iglesia de San José, seguida de un velorio en la funeraria Memorial. Walter será enviado a San Guayava Palencia en Guatemala y descansará en paz, junto a su madre.


Walter de Jesus Lopez Davila, 19 years old, resident of Newport, RI, passed away on September 13, 2024, at Rhode Island Hospital surrounded by his family and friends. Walter was born in San Guayaba, Palencia, Guatemala, to his parents Aselo Lopez and his late mother Maria Veronica Davila.

He emigrated to this country 5 years ago with the goal of achieving the American dream. During his stay in Newport, he attended Rogers School, and was known to be kind, respectful, friendly, and always willing to help others. He was passionate about soccer and music, and a lover of horses and the Guatemalan national bird, the quetzal, for its colors and beauty.

He is survived by his father Aselo Lopez, and his sisters Blanca, Sucely, Lorena, Yolanda and his brother Ismael, along with countless family members and friends who will receive him in Guatemala for his holy burial.

A funeral Mass will be held on September 24th at St. Joseph’s Church at 5:00 pm followed by a wake at Memorial Funeral Home. Walter will be laid to rest in peace in his hometown of San Guayaba, Palencia, Guatemala, next to his mother.


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