New England Aquarium Photo

Three Endangered Sea Turtles Make Triumphant Return to Cape Cod Waters After Months of Rehab

After months of care at the New England Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital in Quincy, three critically endangered Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles were released back into the ocean Thursday. The turtles, named Foxglove, Peony, and Marigold, had been recovering from the effects of cold-stunning after being stranded off the Cape Cod coast last December.

Suffering from hypothermia-related conditions like pneumonia, dehydration, and weight loss, the turtles were rescued and brought to the hospital for treatment. Cold-stunning occurs when sea turtles are exposed to water temperatures below 50°F, leaving them unable to regulate their body temperature.

“It’s always rewarding to see them head back to the ocean,” said Linda Lory, Rescue and Rehabilitation Manager at the aquarium. “Our team works hard to get these turtles healthy and back where they belong.”

The release marks the final step in the aquarium’s efforts for the 2023 cold-stunning season, during which 394 sea turtles were rescued and treated after being found on the shores of Cape Cod by volunteers from Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.

Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles are one of the most endangered sea turtle species, facing threats from fishing activities, habitat loss, and pollution. Rehabilitation efforts like those at the Sea Turtle Hospital are part of a broader conservation effort to protect these animals.

As this release closes out the season, Lory noted that the aquarium’s team is already preparing for the next round of stranded turtles. “There’s always more work to be done, but it’s great to see these turtles return to the wild,” she said.




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