
Toxic Algae Alert: Stay Away from Newport’s Almy Pond

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) have issued a warning: steer clear of Almy Pond in Newport. The pond is currently plagued by toxic blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria. This pesky algae has been detected in high concentrations, posing serious risks to both humans and animals.

Tests by the RIDOH State Health Laboratory, along with visual inspections by the DEM, have confirmed the presence of harmful toxins and alarming cell counts. As a result, all recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, boating, and kayaking, are strictly prohibited. Additionally, the public is advised against ingesting water or consuming fish from the pond. Pet owners should also keep their animals away from the pond to prevent potential toxin exposure.

Cyanobacteria are notorious for their unpredictable behavior, drifting with wind, rain, and water disturbances. Even if the algae isn’t visibly present, the toxins can linger in the water, posing ongoing risks.

Contact with this contaminated water can lead to skin irritation, and if ingested, may cause stomachaches, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Severe cases might involve dizziness, headaches, fever, liver damage, and nervous system issues. Young children and pets are especially vulnerable to these toxins.

If you or your pet come into contact with the pond water, immediately rinse off with clean water and shower as soon as possible. Wash any contaminated clothing, and avoid letting pets lick algae from their fur. Seek veterinary attention if your pet shows signs of poisoning, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Residents should remain cautious, as similar blue-green algae blooms might be affecting other water bodies across Rhode Island. Avoid any water displaying bright green colors or dense algal mats. Stay safe and avoid these water hazards until further notice.




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