U.S. Senate Race Heats Up: Patricia Morgan Calls for Halt on Offshore Wind Projects

In a bold move today, Patricia Morgan, the Republican candidate challenging U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, demanded an immediate pause on offshore wind energy projects, citing alarming spikes in marine mammal deaths and mounting concerns over the environmental and economic repercussions of industrializing our oceans.

“Offshore wind development has surged ahead without the necessary scientific studies or answers about its real effects on our environment,” Morgan stated. “We are witnessing a 200%-250% increase in marine mammal deaths since these wind farms began offshore drilling operations. The squid fishery has vanished. This cannot be ignored.”

Morgan’s primary concern centers on the potential devastation to fragile ocean ecosystems. She specifically targeted the Bokalift, a massive ship involved in the construction of these wind farms, which she claims could wreak havoc on the environment. “Twelve years ago, when that activity was suggested for our ocean, we sent a strong ‘No’. We would not permit the industrialization of our coastal waters. But in a complete about-face, Sheldon Whitehouse is now a champion of the environmental destruction that this ship represents. It is inexcusable.”

The Bokalift is slated to dig trenches for cables connecting turbines to the Brayton Point substation, but Morgan warned of the unknowns lurking beneath the bay’s surface. “No studies have been done on the sediments of our bay. We don’t know what chemicals or harmful sludge may be there—possibly mercury, or other hazardous substances. We are rushing into this with no idea of the long-term damage we may be inflicting on our residents’ health and our shellfishing industry.”

Morgan slammed Senator Whitehouse for his push for taxpayer subsidies to fund these wind projects while leaving residents with more questions than answers. “While politicians like Sheldon Whitehouse push for more taxpayer subsidies to fund these projects, we’re left with more questions than answers about what’s really happening in our waters.”

The candidate didn’t hold back when discussing the financial implications of the wind farms. “Families in Rhode Island are already paying much more for energy than they would with natural gas. Offshore wind electricity costs as much as 7X to 10X more than electricity generated using natural gas. It is the most expensive form of electricity by a wide margin, and unfortunately, it is also intermittent and unreliable.”

Morgan warned that this energy dependency could lead to brownouts and a crippling economy. “Residents should expect brownouts if we continue on this path of expecting our state to be 100% dependent on offshore wind to power our state. Our electric bills will be crushing. Industry will leave, taking their jobs and our children with them.”

She also raised alarms about the billions needed to upgrade the electric grid, a cost likely to fall on ratepayers. “It would cost hundreds of billions of dollars to convert every home, lawnmower, and car to electric and add charging stations everywhere to accommodate their batteries. Our economy cannot support this.”

Morgan underscored the potential harm to Rhode Island’s tourism and fishing industries, which collectively contribute billions to the state’s economy. “Jobs will be lost. Families will struggle. Why have none of our politicians called for a thorough analysis to look into other alternatives like nuclear energy, which is much cleaner and will not wreak havoc on our economy and local fishing industry?”

As she concluded, Morgan reiterated her commitment to protecting Rhode Island’s natural beauty and economic stability. “The Ocean State won’t be the Ocean State anymore if we let these projects continue unchecked. Offshore wind is an assault on both our natural resources and our economy.”

“Until we have real scientific answers about why marine animals are dying, what chemicals are being disturbed, and a clear understanding of the financial impact, I am calling for an immediate halt to these offshore wind projects. We need practical, affordable energy solutions, not reckless experiments that threaten our future.”




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